What is Breathwork?
Breathwork (noun)
An active meditation technique
A self-healing practice to cleanse the body of stuck emotional energy
A style of controlled breathing shown to reduce stress, increase alertness, and boost your immune system
Breathwork is an active meditation practice that cleanses the body of stuck emotion, sensations, and beliefs. By using a repetitive breath pattern, you allow your body to drop into a meditative state. This powerful, self-healing practice allows us to step into more clarity, bliss, and creativity.
Why practice Breathwork?
Reduce stress
Lower blood pressure
Manage pain
Improve focus
“Conscious breathing could be one of the fastest ways to combat the stress of everyday life.”
“A 2017 study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology found that participants who completed 20 breathwork training sessions over eight weeks had significantly lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol compared with those who did not receive the training. Cortisol is responsible for our body's stress response and high levels of it can cause chronic inflammation.” (Source)
George guides participants to reconnect with their own breath to release tension. By using the breath to clear the body, you leave feeling calm, present, and centered.
“I am so grateful to George for offering this space.”
-Breathwork Client
What can I expect?
Part guided temper tantrum, part stress relief, part journey, breathwork is an active meditation practice that’s great for individuals and teams who are ready to live and lead from presence.
Breathwork can surface stuck emotions, memories, and sensations in the body.
Breathwork is a consciousness exploration tool, offering a new perspective to examine unconscious commitments, unfelt feelings, and core desires.
It is common to experience tingling sensations and temperature changes. Some people experience cramping in their hands, feet, or around the mouth. Any cramping generally releases 10 to 15 minutes after the session.
Be prepared to release expectations and relax into the experience. Breathwork has a way of giving each participant just what they need.
Common after effects include increased creativity, calm, and connection to intuition.