Enneagram for Individuals & Team
Find your type, empower your team
"Our Enneagram Team Session helped us build more compassion for each other which will allow us to work more effectively as a team. As a manager, knowing the Enneagram types of my team helps me better support them based on their individual needs."
-Kenny Layton, Head of Entertainment Partnerships at Discord
What is the Enneagram?
The Enneagram outlines nine distinct strategies for relating to yourself and the world.
It is a complex and precise personality system of nine types, each with their own patterns of thinking, feeling, acting driven by a core motivation.
How do I find my Enneagram Type?
Online quizzes are only 20-60% effective at identifying type.
The most effective way to find your type is an Enneagram Typing Interview.
Enneagram Offerings
“Our team was already excited for an enneagram session, but George exceeded expectations of any team personality workshop we’ve done in the past. Kicking things off with breathing techniques helped us feel centered and present after a crazy work week, empowering the group to have an open and vulnerable conversation. George’s moderating skills and prompts to personally reflect in smaller and larger groups allowed universal enneagram facts to become personal discoveries about ourselves and our teammates. The team left feeling energized by actionable learnings on how to better work with each other – making the enneagram session a true team summit highlight. It was such a success that many teams are already discussing continuing the conversation in smaller groups. Thank you, George!”
-Becca Rubin, Starbucks Senior Manager – Social Planning & Insights
Enneagram Team Session
An Introduction to the Enneagram
Personalized Enneagram Tests: have your team complete a $12 online enneagram test
Enneagram Typing Interviews: 45-minute phone calls to confirm your Enneagram type
Live Team Session: spend two hours exploring the Enneagram as tool to improve team communication and self-awareness
Reach out to book a team session
What is an Enneagram Typing Interview?
45-minute Phone Call
The Typing Interview is a 45-minute Phone Call to explore the nine types in an interview format.
You'll be asked a series of questions to prompt reflection and leave with 2-3 ranked Enneagram Types to further investigate.
After the interview, you'll receive additional resources.