Soul Wave is for translating Breathwork insight into aligned action.

3 Months of Breathwork + Community

  • Join a bi-weekly small group (8 people) to connect, breathe, and integrate. 

    • Connect: build deep connections with an intimate community

    • Breathe: experience a full hour of Breathwork during each session

    • Integrate: process and identify aligned actions to carry into your daily life

  • Soul Wave holds space for guided self-exploration in a group setting.

  • Each session explores a new topic. Past topics include:

    • Where’s my birdie? - Exploring our unique recipe for leaving presence

    • But it’s their fault! - Identifying our patterns of creating conflict and show to shift

    • Persona Party - Inviting the hidden sides of our personalities to play

Seats are reserved for the first 8 participants to register.

“Soul Wave has been such an exhilarating and magical experience.

Working with George and a group of extraordinary people that were eager to work towards healing and supporting each other made this an epic trip to my soul.”

-Seb P, Past Participant

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Soul Wave Program Details

What do the two-hour bi-weekly sessions include?

  • Group Coaching (First 60 mins): We’ll begin by introducing coaching topics tailored to the participants registered.

  • Breathwork Session (Second 60 minutes): Each group coaching session will be immediately followed by a full Breathwork session designed to meet the group’s needs.

When are the live sessions?

  • EVERY OTHER TUESDAY // 11:00 am - 1:00 pm PST

  • Six live two-hour sessions every two weeks (bi-weekly).

  • Participants must be available to attend a minimum of 5 out of 6 live sessions.

    • February 9, 2021

    • February 23, 2021

    • March 9, 2021

    • March 23, 2021

    • April 6, 2021

    • April 20, 2021

What does the program include and cost?

The program includes:

  • Six live two-hour sessions:

    • Group Coaching

    • Full Breathwork Session

  • Integration Homework: assigned at the end of each session

  • Group Slack Channel: participants connect throughout the program to receive ongoing support


    • 20-minute Expansion Call: a 1:1 call with George mid-way through the experience.

    • 20-minute Integration Call: a 1:1 call with George after the offering ends.

The investment for this 3-month program is $600. You can submit a $200 deposit to reserve your spot or you may choose to pay in full. There are three discounted spots available, scroll down this page to review eligibility.


Commonly Asked Questions

Is this group for me?

This group is for you if:

  • You’re ready to commit to long-term, lasting personal growth 

  • You know there’s more available in your life and you’re ready to see what’s next 

  • You’re ready to take your career, relationships, and connection to yourself to the next level 

  • You know the support of a loving group will allow you to take risks, have fun, and expand (even if this scares you)

  • You thrive in small group environments

I’ve never worked with you before. Can I sign up?

Yes! If you have not completed 30 Days of Breathwork, a past Soul Wave group, The Portal, or a 1:1 session, please book a Free Consultation call here.

How many spots are available?

The intention for this group is build an intimate community and provide a high level of support. Spots are available for the first 8 people to register. (6 spots remain).

Do you offer discounted spots?

Yes! For my group offerings, I set aside a certain number of spots for two groups:

  • BIPOC: Black, Indigenous, or People of Color regardless of financial standing

  • Financially Insecure Folks: those experiencing financial instability, unemployed, or underemployed

For this offering, I have the following available: 

Three spots offered at $444 (a 26% discount on the full-price) offered at a first-come, first-served basis.

You are eligible to claim one of these spots if you are BIPOC or experiencing financial insecurity.

I operate on a “no questions asked” honor system. If you qualify for either of these groups, use the code HEALING at checkout. Spots will be given to the first three people to register. I’m excited to have you in the group! 

Are the sessions recorded?

The sessions will not be recorded to protect the privacy of the group. Participants are strongly encouraged to attend live. 

I’m very much looking forward to being with this group again. It was so powerful to see how the first Soul Wave group grew together over the last three months. I’m excited for you to bring your magic to the group!

- George