a Breathwork Journey for your Enneagram Type

May 31 - August 9

Soul Wave offers six 90-minute Breathwork & Enneagram sessions for a group of 8 people.

  • Join a bi-weekly small group to learn, practice, and breathe.

    • Learn: explore your Enneagram type + motivations

    • Practice: experience group coaching on your type’s patterns

    • Breathe: enjoy a full Breathwork session to dive deeper

BONUS: 45-minute Enneagram Typing Interview to discover your type

“Soul Wave has been such an exhilarating and magical experience.

Working with George and a group of extraordinary people that were eager to work towards healing and supporting each other made this an epic trip to my soul.”

-Seb P, Past Participant

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Soul Wave Program Details

What do the bi-weekly sessions include?

  • Enneagram Instruction

  • Group Practice

  • Breathwork Session

When are the live sessions?

  • Tuesdays: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm PST

  • Six live two-hour sessions every two weeks (bi-weekly). Live sessions begin Tuesday, May 31.

  • Participants must be available to attend a minimum of 5 out of 6 live sessions.

    • May 31, 2021

    • June 14, 2021

    • June 28, 2021

    • July 12, 2021

    • July 26, 2021

    • August 9, 2021

How do I learn my Enneagram Type?

You’ll receive an Enneagram Typing Interview between the first two sessions. After answering a series of questions, you’ll have 2-3 Enneagram types to explore. I’ll provide resources to continue exploring your type.

What are the sessions about?

Participants are invited to bring active topics in their lives to each session. In the first half the sessions, we’ll use live topics in a group coaching format using mindfulness, coaching, and Enneagram techniques.

Topics vary by group and can these topics:

  • Your Enneagram Type: Behaviors, Motivations, Strengths, & Weaknesses

  • Navigating Resistance to Change: Neurobiology + Breathwork

  • Building Body Intelligence: The Three Centers of Intelligence

  • True Freedom: Using Breathwork to Soften your Type Structure

  • Nine Types of Genius: Celebrating the Gifts of your Type

  • Breath Hacks: Navigating your Type in Stressful Situations

What does the program include?

The program includes:

  1. Six live 90-minute sessions: sessions include a group exploration and full Breathwork journey.

  2. Group Slack Channel: participants connect throughout the program to share updates.

  3. 45-min Typing Interview: Soul Wave includes one 45-minute call with George to find and explore your Enneagram Type.

What does Soul Wave cost?


The investment for this 3-month program is $650. You can submit a $250 deposit to reserve your spot or pay in full.

  • Deposit ($250): Due now

  • Second Payment ($200): Due June 1

  • Third Payment ($200): Due July 1

Discounted Spots: There is one discounted spot available, scroll down this page to review eligibility.


Commonly Asked Questions

What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a personality tool with nine distinct types that moves beyond external behavior and focuses on internal motivations. I have found it to be most effective tool for self-awareness and transformation. Learn more here.

Is this group for me?

This group is for you if:

  • You’re ready to commit to long-term, lasting personal growth 

  • You know there’s more available in your life and you’re ready to see what’s next 

  • You’re ready to take your career, relationships, and connection to yourself to the next level 

  • You know the support of a loving group will allow you to take risks, have fun, and expand (even if this scares you)

  • You thrive in small group environments

How many spots are available?

The intention for this group is build an intimate community and provide a high level of support. Spots are available for the first 8 people to register.

Do you offer discounted spots?

Yes! For my group offerings, I set aside a certain number of spots for two groups:

  • BIPOC: Black, Indigenous, or People of Color regardless of financial standing

  • Financially Insecure Folks: those experiencing financial instability, unemployed, or underemployed

For this offering, I have the following available: 

One spot is offered at $450 (a 33% discount on the full-price). It is offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

You are eligible to claim one of these spots if you are BIPOC or experiencing financial insecurity.

I operate on a “no questions asked” honor system. If you qualify for either of these groups, use the code HEALING at checkout to submit a $150 deposit. Spots will be given to the first three people to register. I’m excited to have you in the group! 

Are the sessions recorded?

The sessions will not be recorded to protect the privacy of the group. Participants are strongly encouraged to attend live. You must be able to attend five out of six sessions to register.

“I’m excited for you to bring your magic to this group!”

- George